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Avian influenza (“bird flu”) - New guidelines for measures for poultry farmers


The European Animal Disease Notification System is reporting increased outbreaks of “bird flu” type H5N1.

In addition to outbreaks in wild birds, domestic poultry populations across Europe are also affected.

In principle, all bird species can contract avian influenza. Avian influenza is a zoonotic disease. No human infection has ever been detected in Austria.


The requirement to have stables with more than 350 animals ceased to apply from March 16, 2022. However, increased biosecurity measures will continue to be ordered in the risk areas according to BGBLA 2022 II 108. The brochure from the Lower Austria Chamber of Agriculture contains all the important details.

The most important points of the Avian Influenza Regulation:

General obligation to report dead waterbirds or birds of prey,

Who should report? -  everyone

When? - immediately

Whom? - the district administrative authority (official veterinarian)

Contacts of all official veterinarians

or via the Landhaus St. Pölten Citizens' Office


Tel.: 02742/9005 - 9005 (citizen service telephone)

Fax: 02742/9005 - 13610

Obligation to report the keeping of poultry (chickens, ducks, turkeys, geese, etc.) to the district administrative authority within one week of the keeping of poultry (including hobby keeping).

Registration form on the homepage of the state of Lower Austria

Obligation to report the keeping of other birds (…) for commercial purposes (animal shows, competitions, breeding or sales). - see reporting form

Exceptions to the reporting requirement: only the keeping of pet birds that are kept permanently (i.e. all year round) in closed rooms, without direct or indirect contact with wild birds and not for commercial purposes (e.g. budgies in the apartment).


If there is evidence that the risk of an outbreak is high in Austria, the authority can prescribe increased biosecurity measures for certain areas, including the requirement to have stables.

For example, risk areas were defined in Austria from November 25th, 2021 to March 16th, 2022. The protective measures ensured that Austrian companies were spared from the introduction of the virus and the associated failures.

For further and current information, use the following links:

AGES – Agency for Health and Food Security

QGV - Quality Poultry Association

LKNOE – Lower Austria Chamber of Agriculture

Poultry keepers in general:

Precautionary measures to prevent the introduction of the virus:

Make a strict distinction between street and stable clothing.

Do not enter the stable with shoes that you have worn outside and wash your hands before entering and after leaving the run/stable.

Inform your veterinarian or official veterinarian if you notice unusually high losses in your animals or if the animals appear sick.

Be sure to feed the animals in the stable or in such a way that wild birds do not have access to the feeding area and water them with tap water.

Keep food and bedding out of the reach of wild birds.

Keep ducks and geese separate from other poultry.

Newcastle disease

In addition to avian influenza, there can also be an increased incidence of paramyxovirus (Newcastle Disease, NCD) in wild pigeons in autumn and winter, which can also be introduced into domestic poultry populations. This year, the paramyxovirus was last detected in wild pigeons in the Mödling district. In this context, too, attention is drawn to the importance of compliance with biosecurity measures, as well as the possibility of vaccinating poultry flocks and breeding pigeons against Newcastle Disease.

If you have any questions, please contact the official veterinarian.



  Animals - Current communication platform for consumer health (KVG homepage, (service of the Federal Ministry for Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection)

  Avian influenza (bird flu), KGV homepage

  AGES - Austrian Agency for Food Security

  2020 amendment to the Avian Influenza Ordinance 2007


  Download: Brochure from the Lower Austria Chamber of Agriculture (pdf, 3.0 MB)

  Download: Federal Law Gazette 2022 II 108 - Amendment to the Ordinance on Protective and Eradication Measures to Combat Avian Influenza (pdf, 0.4 MB)

  Download: Report form - animal husbandry (pdf, 0.2 MB)

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