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construction advice

Foto für Bauberatung

Are you considering a renovation, conversion or even a new building? Then you should consider whether you would like to use the building advice provided by the state of Lower Austria.

Regardless of whether you are a private person or a community/association, there is an opportunity for advice in various areas:

Refurbishment, conversion, new construction

children's playgrounds

Solar building

Open space (only for communities)

You can register for a building consultation appointment online using a form or by telephone. Then an employee from "Lower Austria designs" comes and gets an idea of the situation, passes on ideas and makes small sketches to give you a better idea. Of course, these are only suggestions and whether you implement the suggestions is up to you. The supervisors are of course neutral and do not say which companies you have to build with. The experts are available to answer any questions you may have and provide you with objective information, whether it's a new build, conversion or renovation.

It is important that only the property owners take advice


Fee: 50 euros

You can find more details at: Lower Austria Shapes

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