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Filter by Category: Coronavirus| (90) overall| (486)



We need your Support!

We need your support! The protective path at the Generation Park is to be removed based on a report from...



Game afternoon - senior year

On Thursday, September 14th, 2023, a cozy afternoon of games will take place at the sports field from...


Tanz mit

Dance with! Info and registration dates

Dance with us at the music school and come to the information and registration dates. Mon, September...



School starts in 2023 at Klein-Pöchlarn elementary school

Welcome to 1st class! School started again on Monday, September 4th, 2023. 12 students started the new...



Fire Extinguisher Review

Fire extinguisher check on Saturday, September 9th from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.!



Educational calendar 2023 - adult education in the region

The current educational calendar is here! In the educational calendar of the Southern Waldviertel –...



School starts - Attention children!

School starts on Monday in eastern Austria. Please be particularly careful on the road. The market town...


Zeitung 9/2023

The community newspaper can already be read online

The community newspaper for 09 2023 can already be read online. The newspaper will soon be in the mailboxes...



Scrap metal and yellow bin

As of January 1, 2023, waste separation was changed in Lower Austria. Metal packaging is now collected...

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